Saturday, June 22, 2013

Monsters University

Went to see "Monsters University" last night. It was a rip-roaringly good time, with a few predictable storyline.

The movie tells us a story of how Mike and Sully met and became buddies, and how they ended up working at the scream factory. There were a couple of times in the movie that the scenes at Monsters University campus and the Scare Games kept reminding me of Hogwarts and the various contests from Harry Potter.

Inevitably, the comparison is with the first movie, "Monsters, Inc." It isn't as good as that first one, which had a rather original storyline. As a "prequel", it, of course, suffers from a higher expectation than the first. But I still give the movie a strong recommendation simply based on the entertainment and chuckle values.

And make sure you do not leave the theater at the credits, or you'll miss one of the funniest scene at the very end.

And don't miss the short movie "The Blue Umbrella" before the main feature. It was a very clever take on the "boy-meets-girl-boy-loses-girl-boy-gets-girl-at-the-end" story.


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