Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Incredibles 2 - A Review

***SPOILER ALERT*** This review contains crucial parts of the story. If you do not wish to know, stop reading now.

Let's get this out of the way, you should go see Disney/Pixar's latest "Incredibles 2". It is a load of fun, and Jack-Jack certainly stole the movie. The best part about the entire movie is the dynamics between the Parr family members, especially in how Bob has to be the "Mr. Mom" of the family.

As fun and exciting the movie is, I can't help feel a bit disappointed in the tired, old, familiar storyline. First of all, I correctly guessed who the villain (or the brain of the operations) was almost at the very beginning. To me, it was way too obvious.

But here lies my major complaint: this is a familiar storyline as not only with many other movies, but also with the first "Incredibles" movie! In that first movie, the antagonist was Buddy Pine, who turned into a bad guy because he was dismissed by Bob to be his sidekick. So he was a spurned fan.

In "Incredibles 2", it was a sister who somehow blamed the superheroes for the death of her father. And even that isn't convincing either. The father tried calling his superheroes when someone broke into his house. But the superheroes couldn't answer because, by then, they have already been outlawed. So it wasn't their fault in the first place that they didn't come to the rescue of the father. So not only is the premise a recycle of the first movie, it was also rather weak!

We have seen way too many movies in which one disgruntled person somehow managed to cause mayhem of such magnitude. It is a tired story. That is why I was disappointed that "Incredibles 2" dipped into this well once more, especially considering that they went there with the first movie.

It should not diminish your enjoyment of it. But considering that this was from Pixar, I was expecting a lot more.

2 1/2 out of 4 stars.



Joe Shelby said...

"But the superheroes couldn't answer because, by then, they have already been outlawed."

Actually, I think you missed something. They weren't just outlawed - the point of the phone is that they'd come anyways to help a friend, costume or not, mask or not. It was a direct line to their homes that would continue to work.

Instead, I believe they were already *dead* as a result of Syndrome's robots. Remember when Mr. I went through the list of supers and how many were killed in developing the 10 versions of the robot before he got there. He personally found Gazerbeam's body and used it to hide in that fight.

There's reasons that scene was dark around the phones, and it wasn't just because of the siblings' parents' fate.

Joe Shelby said...

Oh, and maybe 'too many movies' as such, but I don't see this as a movie. I see this as a comic book, and ALL comic book villains are like that. I should know, I've been collecting for 45 years. :D Yes, it makes it a little predictable, but it follows the genre, especially in the 50s-60s style that inspires much of the film.