Monday, September 25, 2006

My Disney Office

My office at work has been called by a co-worker as a "Disney Museum". Someone even told me that I should charge admission to go in.

My reply to all of this is that since I spend most of my waking hours here at work, I might as well make it as comfortable for me as I can. So I have plenty of Disney memorabilia on the shelves, desks, and pictures on the wall.

Anyway, for the first time in a long while, I cleaned up the blackboard in my office. It was full of sketches and equations that were written whenever we have a discussion in my office. I decided that none of them are relevant anymore, so I cleaned it this morning. Unfortunately, after doing that, the board looks rather barren. I was staring at it for awhile until something clicked. I decided to test myself and see if I remember how to draw Mickey! Since I took two different brief lessons on how to draw Mickey while I was at the Animation Studios at Disney/MGM Studios, I wanted to know how much I've learned and stuck to my head.

So I drew one big Mickey on my board in my office. It turned out not too bad, I thought, but you be the judge for yourself.


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