Monday, May 13, 2013

New Princess Merida image criticized

Disney is adding Merida from Brave to its cast of princesses, but not everyone is happy about Merida's new look.  The site has this story about the creator of the Merida character, Brenda Chapman, strongly criticizing Disney for what they are doing with the new princess.  A petition against Disney's version of Merida has apparently gathered about 120,000 signatures so far. 

Chapman was responding to the furore over the makeover stirred up by the protest petition, which branded it a “tremendous disservice to the millions of children for whom Merida is an empowering role model who speaks to girls’ capacity to be change agents in the world rather than just trophies to be admired.”
Chapman said: “I think it’s atrocious what they have done to Merida.
The director of Brave said that Merida was intended to be an "anti-princess" who wore nice clothes only when she was forced into it.  The new Merida is more glamorous and, according to some people, intended mainly to sell merchandise.  But, of course, Disney disagrees and says that the new Merida fits in with the image of a typical Disney princess.

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