Friday, May 30, 2008

New airline Bag Fees Complicate Disney's Magical Express

Ooooh.. I didn't even think about this one until I read this news report. With airlines such as American Airlines now charging a fee even for one checked luggage, it is causing a bit of a problem with Disney's DME service. It isn't the picking up of the luggage at the airport that's the problem, it's when the guests are flying out and check their luggage at their Disney resorts.

The fees are complicating Magical Express' early baggage-check service, which encourages departing guests to check in for their flights and drop off their luggage in their hotel before leaving the giant resort.

Disney then has those customers -- along with other hotel guests who are unable or choose not to use the resort check-in option -- bused to Orlando International Airport.

If other airlines are thinking of the same thing, let me just say that as of now, I am no longer considering flying with American Airlines as an option. Zilch! Look, I understand that they need to raise money with the ridiculous gas prices. That is fairly obvious. I'd rather they just raise their ticket pricess rather than nickle-and-diming their customers the way they are doing it now. I hope Southwest doesn't do the same, because as a loyal Southwest customer, I hate to see them follow such stupid business decision that is design to do nothing but alienate their existing customers. Who thought of these dumb things anyway?


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