Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Disneyland's "It's A Small World" Redux

The issue and passion surrounding the changes made to Disneyland's "It's a Small World" doesn't seem to want to go away. As you recall, many Disney fans were up in arms with the addition of Disney characters into the attraction.

Well now, here's another reason to douse that flame of anger. Jim Hill has an article that included an interview with one of the original designer of that attraction. Alice Davis, who was one of the designer of the original attraction, doesn't have a problem with it.

A lot of people decided before they even rode the revised version of 'it’s a small world' that they were going to hate it. Well, to them I say, 'Get a key and open your minds.''

Kim Irvine did a wonderful job here and the general public needs to understand & appreciate that. Sure, this was a project that was started by a committee. But that committee was smart enough to hand this project off to an artist who actually understood this attraction and really respected the people who originally created 'it’s a small world.' Which is why this redo turned out as well as it did.

I would say that if there is anyone who knows about Mary Blair and knows about the attraction intimately, it is her. With this interview, I would find it very hard to be convinced of all the statements from various Disney "fans" about the desecration of It's A Small World. Those things just right hollow now, or at the very least, carry less weight. Alice Davis' statements certainly has the tone of telling these fans to get over it and go on with their lives.


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