Tuesday, April 07, 2009

GM and Segway Unveil PUMA

I read about this new 2-seater vehicles this morning, and I had some nagging thing in the back of my head that kinda made me think there's something familiar about this, but I didn't make the connection till just now.

So GM and Segway are teaming up to make this rather "cute" vehicles that people can get around in. Think of it as a longer-range Segway where you can relax and sit down. It also has all the stuff to prevent crashing, etc.

Coined P.U.M.A (Personal Urban Mobility and Accessibility), the vehicle features an OnStar wireless communication system that lets people communicate and locate each other in a city. Reportedly, the vehicle can also detect and automatically avoid other moving vehicles and people in its path.

So when I read it this morning, I kept thinking "Hum... why does this look familiar?" I didn't think anymore about it till I read this blog and voila! There's the Disney connection!! It's those hover chairs in Wall-E!!

GM's announcement comes a day after Ohio State released a study that found 20 percent of preschoolers are obese. I know the mega-corporation lampooned in Disney's Wall-E was meant to be Walmart, but GM seems to be moving us a step closer to the Axiom Hover Chairs that make physical activity quaint.



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