Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Why "Mars Needs Moms" Bombed

We know that Disney's "Mars Needs Moms" bombed at the box office this past weekend. It looks like this will be one of the biggest box office disasters in history, and certainly, a black mark against Disney. With that, comes the autopsies on why it bombed. This Hollywood Reporter article discuss briefly what went wrong that might have caused it to sink this low.

Mars faced several obstacles, according to box office observers. For one, moviegoers don't seem to like the motion-capture technology. Other times, it can work, such as in Avatar.

"The movie [Mars] looked downright creepy," one observer notes.

The title also was problematic, specifically, the use of the word "mom," which might have been a turn-off for boys.

There ya go. A bunch of factors could easily contributed to the whole thing. The title certainly is a turn off. But after watching the trailers at least a couple of times, I just didn't care for the storyline at all. And most of my Disney friends here also didn't have any kind of enthusiasm to go see the movie. So we didn't!

Obviously, a lot of people didn't either!


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