Tuesday, September 04, 2007

You Can Take A Person Out Of Disney, But You Can't Take Disney Out Of A Person

I found something rather amusing in reading this news article. United Airlines, in the hope of improving its customer service (a misnomer for many companies), hired a senior customer service executive from the Walt Disney Company. But what was interesting was her response to this interview:

"The skills I used at Disney are transferable and similar," Higgins, an upbeat woman, said at San Francisco International Airport, which United is using as a test bed.

"We're moving huge volumes of guests, we're providing individualized service, we're providing individualized meet-and-greet in the airport," she said. "We can do that especially well with frequent fliers and provide a more intimate experience."

It's funny that she still uses the word "guests". I don't think United views their passengers as "guests". They're still "customers" or "passengers". Only Disney is the major company that I know of that refers to their customers as "guests".

Does that mean that she also points with her hand rather than using a finger? :)


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