Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Kermit's What-Happens-Next-Machine Reloaded

OK, so some of you reading this blog kinda knew that I'm a physicist. It always makes my day whenever my profession and my hobby intersect now and then. It has happened a few times.

This time, I'm taking the liberty of making that intersection since the Muppets are now being "managed" by Disney. This is a rather "scholarly" article on what first appeared on Sesame Street. It is Kermit the Frog's What-Happens-Next machine. The author, from the University of Konstanz in Germany, painfully dissected the mechanics of the machine to come up with some equation of motion that cannot be solve analytically. So this is solved numerically. The FORTRAN code is even included in the manuscript! :)

Some day, when I have the time, I'll go over this very quickly. Till then, I just find this rather amusing. :)


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