Saturday, December 26, 2009

Disney's Christmas Day Parade - NOT!

After watching it the last few years, I've decided that I will no longer watch the annual Disney's Christmas Day parade on ABC. Why? Because there's hardly any parade shown!

Look, I'm not naive here. I know that Disney is taking the opportunity to advertise not only the parks, but its movies and other products. Fine, I understand that. But couldn't you AT LEAST show A LOT of the parade? I am willing to sit through the show hose and pony show if the parade is a substantial part of it, and not simply something "incidental" to carry the current Disney stars. After all, the word "Parade" is in the title of the show!

So, this year's show was the last time I watched this "parade" on TV.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

We didn't watch it either - mainly because the TV was occupied with Lego Rock Band. BUT. I enjoyed the pan & tilt video significantly more than any of the parades in years past! (And we can watch the video any time and in much less time!)