Friday, January 28, 2011

Disney Dream Near Collision Exaggerated

I'm not sure what they consider as a near collision for large ships like this. I'm sure the standard is very different for when the ships are at full speeds versus when they are in the port trying to maneuver themselves into place.

That is what I think happened here. It appears that the Disney Dream got to roughly 20-30 feet of a Royal Caribbean ship that was docked. I like the description given by one of the passengers on the Royal Caribbean:

According to the description, the amateur videographer was standing on the Monarch during a safety drill when the Dream "began to turn around."

"Mickey got closer.... and Closer.... AND CLOSER!!!!!" the descriptions says. "We were all certainly bracing for the BUMP!!!!"

.. and this is bad?


Anyway, better not ruin that ship before *I* get on it!


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