Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Are Disney World Wage Scales Fair?

As the unions of a large part of WDW work force negotiate a new contract with WDW, along came a report that the 2-tier pay scale that WDW workforce had agreed to earlier may have hurt not only the wages being made, but also the local economy of Orlando and neighboring area. Does anyone know where I can find this report?

Still, this news article stated a point that may have made this assertion rather moot:

Disney World spokeswoman Jacquee Polak pointed out that the 1998 contract, as with all labor contracts, was a mutual agreement between the company and the unions, not a unilateral decision. She said the two-tiered pay system was abolished with the 2004 contract, so workers hired since then are not at any disadvantage.

If this is true, why are those two people commissioned a study of something that no longer exist? This is rather confusing.


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