Thursday, March 08, 2007

More Spin on "I'm Going To Disney World" Promotion

"Frank D. Atherton, you've been accused of sexually assaulting 3 children! What you are going to do now?"

"Why, I'm going to Disney World!"

This would have been funny if it weren't so serious and, frankly, appalling.

First of all, my only source of information is this news report. So I certainly do not know all the details or even if there are missing pieces of information here. But simply by reading what has transpired, there are just a few things that made you say "huh"?

A judge is letting an accused child molestor to go to, get this, Walt Disney World with his family for his vacation.

First of all, they made a mistake that is one of my pet peeve:

Lombardo said her office was not consulted on Atherton's desire to go to Disney World, which court records mistakenly listed as Disneyland, which is in southern California.

Oy... But this is even more mind-boggling:

"We would have objected further had we known that was where he was going," Lombardo said. "Certainly, Disney World is a place known to be frequented by children."

Atherton is free because he paid 10 percent of his $100,000 in bail. One of the conditions of bail was that he not have contact with "any minor children," Lombardo said.

I may be dense, but what am I missing here?

But this one takes the cake:

Then Tuesday, when Atherton provided the court clerk with an itinerary, Associate Judge R. Craig Sahlstrom was called and authorized the 46-year-old felon's plans to spend three days of his trip at Walt Disney World.
Last year, Judge Sahlstrom disclosed he represented Atherton in a previous case, but prosecutors did not object, records show. Through an assistant, the judge said he could not comment on the pending case.

Has someone been asleep at the wheel here?


UPDATE: The judge has "clarified" that he cannot go to Disney World after all.

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