Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Interview With The Vice President of The Magic Kingdom Theme Park

This is an interview with Phil Holmes, the Vice President of the Magic Kingdom theme park. In it, he stated that he started at or near the bottom and worked his way up:

Q: Like a remarkable number of other theme-park executives, not just here but anywhere, you started out at or near the bottom. How come that still works well in this business, compared with others?

A: For our company, a lot of our success is based on continuing to bring great people in. I think the culture is one of the draws. It really comes back to the associations and the people who are some of the best in the industry we do. You really enjoy the camaraderie and learning from each other. That has always served us well. What better way to learn the theme-park business than to grow up in it?

The question is, with the wages and employment nature as they are today, how many talented and dedicated cast members are willing to sacrifice their livelihood to stay there that long? Do they still have the ability to retain the outstanding cast members to produce another Phil Holmes?


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