Monday, February 04, 2008

Disney To Extend Run Of Hannah Montana Movie

This truly is a no-brainer. After scoring the #1 box office take over the weekend with $29 million at just over 600 theaters, Disney is extending the limited run of the Hannah Montana movie "until it runs its course".

Hey, milk it while you can. Usually most things like this do not last for very long (can we say "Who Wants To Be A Millionnaire?").

Still, Disney, especially the Disney Channel, seems to be on a roll lately with one big hit after another. This could be the start of a trend where hits on the Disney Channel become movies in later incarnations. Look at what is happening to High School Musical. We already have various Disney park attractions becoming movies. Why not Disney Channel programs? So when are we going to have "Mickey Mouse Club- The Movie", in 3D?



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